Verifone Tranz 380 X 2 Credit Card Terminal
These credit card terminals work with most retail credit card processing services. We offer a 1 year warranty on all of our new machines. Refurbished machines come with a 30 day warranty.
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Verifone Tranz 380 X 2
With two independent memory segments ready to run two distinct
applications, the innovative TRANZ® 380 x2 system doubles the capability of an ordinary transaction terminal.
With the TRANZ 380 x2, you can offer your customers a single transaction terminal that does the work of two. So they can take advantage of an additional application without purchasing another terminal or paying for the development of special integrated software.
Independent memory segments allow a user to run a credit card authorization application in one segment and a second application in the other. It could be a debit program—or a frequent-shopper, time-and-attendance or inventory-tracking application.
Because the TRANZ 380 x2 comes in two powerful configurations—128 Kbytes or 256 Kbytes of RAM—it has the space to store large transaction volumes in each of its segments. So users can wait until the end of a shift or the end of the day to reconcile and transmit transaction data.
Keeps Checkout Lines, Business Moving
Fast and efficient, the TRANZ 380 x2 system keeps checkout lines moving in restaurants, hotels, convenience stores and other high-traffic areas. It allows users to switch from one software application to another in just a few seconds. And it collects information from both track 1 and track 2 of a magnetic-stripe card in a single swipe—allowing you to gather the data you need to personalize receipts and run frequent-shopper and other specialized programs.
Supports Existing TRANZ Applications
TRANZ 380 x2 is compatible with many TRANZ 330 and TRANZ 380 applications—supporting features such as restaurant tip reporting, healthcare insurance benefits verification and card preauthorization for hotels. Plus, it allows you to quickly add, update or create new applications using the VeriFone terminal control language (TCL), designed specially for transaction processing. Hundreds of applications running on VeriFone TRANZ systems are written in TCL.
Fast, Efficient System Deployment
VeriFone's advanced download program, ZONTALK™ 2000, expedites system deployment by letting you download individual system parameters directly in a minute or less. ZONTALK 2000 also supports telephone downloads. Since downloads are performed over the same telephone line used to process transactions, no additional equipment is required at the remote terminal site.
Doubles the capability of an ordinary terminal, with two independent memory segments ready to run two distinct applications
Supports all major credit, debit and private-label cards
Offers low-cost credit card authorization, electronic funds transfer, check guarantee and data capture for a variety of retail applications
Handles business applications that simplify recordkeeping and maximize profits
Supports most TRANZ 330 and TRANZ 380 software applications
Performs fast batch processing, audit trail searches and account range selection
Collects information from track 1 and track 2 of a magnetic-stripe card in a single card swipe
Simplifies creating and updating application programs with the VeriFone terminal control language (TCL)
Allows fast application downloads and file transfers through ZONTALK 2000, VeriFone's advanced download program
Supports VeriFone printers, PIN pads, check readers and other peripheral products
Prompts you through each step of a typical transaction with concise messages on an easy-to-read display
Includes security and fraud control features often required in bankcard environments |