Verifone Tranz 380 Credit Card Terminal
Our terminals are compatible with the most popular credit card processing platforms. We test each terminal to confirm it is working properly before shipment. Generally we ship terminals to you second day air.
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Verifone Tranz 380
With up to 128Kbytes of battery-backed RAM, the TRANZ 380
transaction system handles the complex business applications you need
to differentiate your services in today\'s competitive market.
Fast and efficient, the TRANZ® 380 system keeps checkout lines moving in restaurants, hotels, convenience stores, box office and ticket outlets, and other high-traffic areas.
With TRANZ 380, you can expand the range of services you offer. It handles sophisticated applications that help you manage your business better. And it lets you accept debit (ATM) cards in payment for goods or services. TRANZ 380 also can electronically track your employees' time and attendance for more accurate payroll records and better resource management.
Its large memory lets the TRANZ 380 store invalid card files locally, so you can perform fast, offline card authorization and save on communications costs. What\'s more, with the TRANZ 380, you can collect the data you need to personalize receipts and run frequent-shopper and other specialized programs.
The TRANZ 380 system can store more transactions than many competing systems. So restauranteurs and other users can wait until the end of a shift or the end of the day to reconcile and transmit transaction data.
The system gives you enhanced local processing speed for fast batch processing, account range selection and audit trail searches. And, with a TRANZ 380, you can connect a slip printer or roll printer and a PIN pad or bar code wand to expand your transaction capabilities.
TRANZ 380 supports most TRANZ 330 applications, such as restaurant tip reporting, health benefits verification and credit card preauthorization for hotels. Plus, you can quickly add, update or create new applications using the VeriFone terminal control language (TCL™) designed specially for transaction processing.
Fast, Efficient System Deployment
VeriFone\'s advanced download program, ZONTALK™ 2000, expedites system deployment by letting you download individual TRANZ 380 system parameters directly, in a minute or less. It will even let you program the terminal clock or password as part of the download process, eliminating the need to perform these operations manually—a time-consuming process.
ZONTALK 2000 also supports telephone downloads. And, since the download is performed over the same telephone line used to process transactions, no additional equipment is required at the remote terminal site.
Accepts all major credit, debit and private-label cards, providing low-cost credit card authorization, check guarantee and data capture for a variety of retail applications
Handles a variety of sophisticated business applications that simplify record keeping and maximize profits
Stores more transactions before you need to make a settlement
Supports most TRANZ 330 applications
Performs fast batch processing, audit trail searches and account range selection
Collects information from track 1 and track 2 of a magnetic-striped card in a single swipe
Simplifies creating and updating application programs with a unique terminal control language (TCL)
Allows fast application downloads and file transfers through ZONTALK 2000, VeriFone's advanced download program Stores invalid card information for fast offline authorization |